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“Well, I don’t think the science on that one is quite final,” Riley smiled. “I was just about to leave anyway; I’ll give you a ride.” Bingo! “Don’t be ridiculous!” I said with an over-expressive wave, which had me wobbling on my heels again. “I’m fine.” “It wasn’t an offer, Alex,” he said. “As of now it’s a condition of your employment.” “Oh, well,” I smiled. “Since you put it that way…” I held out a hand for him and although he took it politely, he didn’t use it to help himself up; probably figuring I would finish up in his lap again. That was wise on his part; I felt a little electric pulse of excitement at his touch and dropping back into his lap felt like a distinct possibility. “Bye, everyone,” I waved with my free hand. I wondered if I was overdoing it; I didn’t actually want everyone to think I was fucking Riley, I just wanted him to realise that they would believe my story when I blackmailed him into telling me The Winsome Widow’s secrets. When we got to Riley’s car –. But even with his girlish color, I could tell the mythical creature was a male. There was just something about the way he carried himself. About the way his powerful muscles bulged as he spun around, studying his surroundings. About the way he tilted his head back and roared like an enraged animal. I knew I should run, but I couldnt. I was entranced by the animal, fascinated by him. Before I could realize what was happening, I was standing, then walking. By the time it finally dawned on me that I was approaching a deadly dragon, it was too late. He had seen me. I froze. Oddly, I wasnt afraid. Simply captivated. The dragons eyes focused on me. His irises were a vibrant shade of pink and seemed to bore into me, unearthing my every secret. He slowly approached, his razor-sharp claws clicking on the pavement. His wings remained outstretched, making him appear massive. I didnt know what to do, so I just stood there, waiting to see what he would do next. He kept coming until he stood.
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